GLN Numbers

Global Location Numbers

A GLN (Global Location Number) is a unique 13-digit number that is used as a physical location identifier for a business or a branch of a business. Some retailers (such as Tesco Ireland) require these as part of their prerequisites for stocking your products in their stores. We can supply GLN’s for a one-off cost.

“Very grateful for the information and very clear explanations on your website. An easy, quick, efficient way to buy exactly what I need!” Barbara

“I’d like to thank you and your company for your honesty in repaying my overpayment of £30” Maureen

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Price: $20.00

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$49.00 per barcode

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$44.00 per barcode

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$36.00 per barcode

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$29.00 per barcode

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$24.00 per barcode

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$14.00 per barcode

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$8.00 per barcode

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$2.50 per barcode

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$1.50 per barcode

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