Where are barcodes accepted?

What restrictions do retailers place on barcodes??

These are common and important questions about the use of barcodes.

Broadly speaking, there are three main groups of retailers, as outlined below –

  1. One small group of retailers effectively require you to be a member of GS1 (& hence pay GS1’s joining fees and annual fees).
  2. Another larger group of retailers require barcode verification reports (eg ASDA) or GLNs (Global Location numbers) (eg Tesco). We can supply these for you if needed. We are the only barcode reseller (that we know of) who can provide barcode verification reports and GLN numbers for you.
  3. The majority of retailers worldwide will accept any legal and legitimate barcode.

NOTE – we often get customers saying “I want to sell my product to XYZ  – yet when they realise that barcodes for this will cost them hundreds of dollars more each year, they often decide to purchase our barcodes, and accept that if they ever receive an order from XYZ, it will be wonderful, and hopefully large, and they will happily get a barcode from GS1 then.


If you have any questions about this, please contact us.

NOTEwe endeavour to make this as accurate as possible – however there are tens of thousands of retailers in NZ and Australia, and millions worldwide, who can each impose any restriction they wish. Please let us know if you are aware of any other restrictions.

NOTEthis is the most comprehensive list of restrictions we know of on the internet (please tell us if you find a more accurate one). Other resellers give no warnings, or are vague – so don’t trust them. We put a lot of time and effort into making this as accurate as possible – we doubt that you will find a more accurate list of restrictions on the internet (let us know if you do).


“Thank you so much for the quick service – what a great business you have. I’m putting this DVD together on my own as an independent producer and editor of a new DVD. I’ll be directing other people to your site as I have already done. Many thanks again for being so prompt, efficient and personal. And lets not forget the help with all the bar-code images you gave me. Some of my friends in the UK spend a bomb and have to buy loads of codes they do not need by using the big rip off companies. Why they do not use you I don’t know. “They will now if I have anything to do with it”.” Steve H (authorised version)

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