Code 128 & Code 39 Images

Code 128 and Code 39

Code 128 and Code 39 barcodes are commonly used for internal monitoring of stock (ie. asset labeling); membership cards; and for internal barcoding of library books.

If you require Code 128 or Code 39 barcodes in digital format, please place your order below (if you need sticky labels instead, please order them from our Sequential Labels page).

Note: when making your purchase, please enter the format you require (Code 128 or Code 39), and the data you want encoded into the “additional information” section of the checkout page (or else send us an email).

After we receive your order, we will email the barcodes to you in 5 different formats (jpeg, eps, tiff, bmp & eps).

The Difference between Code 128 & Code 39:

Code 128 barcode:

Code 128 barcode image sample


Code 39 barcode:

Code 39 barcode image sample (Asset barcodes)

Code 39 has a low data density and Code 128 has a very high data density, therefore very small goods should be labeled with a Code 128 barcode (not a Code 39 barcode).

Most barcode scanners can read both Code 128 & Code 39 barcode images easily, especially if the barcodes only contain numeric digits (some scanners may struggle to read barcodes that contain alphabetic letters as well).

Note: Code 128 and Code 39 barcodes are for internal use only, they cannot be used for products in retail stores (retail products need EAN barcodes).

“Thank You so much for your INCREDIBLY fast service!!! I was blown away when I had the barcode within a couple of hours from sending it! Wow! Thank You so much for your help with this. ” Carolina

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